Secured Ordering

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All sensitive data is safely processed through Secured Server.

We accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard 

Your credit card and personal information is secure with us.  None of our customers have reported any fraudulent use of a credit card as a result of any purchases made through our online web site.

Here is why:

Our secure server encrypts your personal information including credit card number so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the internet.  The encryption process takes the information you enter and then converts that information into bits of code that are securely transmitted over the internet.

We will send you an online verification of any charges to the e-mail address you provide for us, as well as to the physical address of the card holder.

We make it a practice to randomly Spot Check addresses of card holders with the credit card company to insure your safety, as well as verify many orders by phone.  We go the extra mile to insure your safety, because we truly care.

However, if you feel more comfortable, call 1-888-227-4104 to order.

Remember, during the selection process, you can change your order at anytime.  You may increase or decrease the number of any product or empty your shopping basket and start all over.  It is your choice.  We have made it easy to use.  Just click on "order" from within the pricing pages.

Secure Online Ordering with Consumers Choice POS


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Last modified: April 15, 2001